Welcome to RUSDA, know about us and experience our online line presence .


RUSDA is a social enterprise Organisation with the objective of providing economic development services
to rural and marginalized communities through capacity building for engaging in income generating
activities, Enviroment/natural resources management, seed multiplication and linkages, institution
strengthening, extension services provision and agribusiness development, technology promotion,
marketing linkages, MSIP, Environment and financial literacy trainings. RUSDA has been operational and
partners with community-based youth groups, producer organizations and higher-level farmer’s apex
organizations and farmers groups. RUSDA model focuses on increased agricultural productivity,
advocacy on network issues, creating employment opportunities along the agricultural value chain and
increasing incomes of smallholder farmers while conserving environment and advocacy on policies
that are favourable to vulnerable communities.


Empowered community that is part of all local development process.


Start Markets and Work Backwards

To serve as a gateway organisation that leads in building bridges for smallholder farmers to access quality farm inputs,
farm technology and farm extension services and establish access to fair and profitable markets through sustainable linkages


The Strategic Goal is to generate sustainable social and economic value among farming communities by
creating opportunities and undertaking market-driven profitable agricultural investments that integrate
subsistence smallholder farmers into the remunerative markets using forwards and backwards market and
production linkages that ensure sustainable incomes for the households, food security, livelihoods
improvement and environment protection and conservation through collective actions.

    RUSDA Memorandum and Articles of Association (2016) outlined over 20 objectives of the organization.
    These have been categorized into 4 main strategic objectives:

  1. To provide capacity development services that promotes organizational and enterprise development;
    in West Nile region and Uganda.
  2. To promote appropriate agricultural technology and technical skills transfers services to individuals,
    farmers groups and other institutions;
  3. To mainstream crosscutting issues of gender; environment; HIV/AIDS; conflict resolutions; and
    democracy, good governance and human rights; and,
  4. To ensure financial inclusion of rural poor communities, service, infrastructural, organizational, and
    human resource sustainability of RUSDA as an organization.



In about 8 years of service in promoting private sector led growth and development in Agricultural value
chain, youth development and acting as oil seed development / promotion centre for poverty reduction in
West Nile Sub-region, RUSDA has made several achievements especially in the areas of Oil seed Value
chain development (including appropriate technology and technical skills transfers and on farm research
trials, community empowerment programms ect). This section highlights the achievements in carrying out similar assignment and tasks;

RUSDA work under profesinal leadrs and officials that has ability to handle tasks in various tasks allocated.These profesions are
are qualified with highly academic consideration levels.
RUSDA deals with different groups and catagory of peoeple in different levels in regardless of tribe differences.
  • Ordinary peoeple
  • Affliates
  • Farmers
  • Financial institutions
  • Cbos and NGOS
  • Local governments
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