Cross-cutting issues of gender, environment, HIV/AIDS, ethics/integrity conflict resolution are usually
mainstreamed into our cores services. There are a few cases when they were taken up as specific training or
projects as shown below: •Gender and environment analysis and mainstreaming training to individuals or
farmer groups in West Nile as well as senior staff. HIV/ADS Prevention at the Most Vulnerable Business
Enterprises Project in Rhino camp in Arua district, B2B project in sesame value chain development, and
community Empowerment programme Supported by SNV Uganda,
RUSDA Ltd motivation to offer the services is drawn from its mandate which is the promotion of agricultural
and environmental growth and development for the active poor, and Micro, Small and medium Enterprises
(MSMEs), including ACEs, its Vision, Mission and Strategic Objectives here above. Further RUSDAs Ltd
motivation is driven by its core values as well the services that RUSDA Ltd have been offering to the rural
communities of West Nile region right from its inception aimed at Poverty reduction and sustainable
livelihoods. The traditional oil seed crops to be promoted (simsim, soya beans, sunflower and Groundnuts) are
already crops that the farmers that RUSDA Ltd supports are involved in their production either for subsistence
or income generation hence partnering VODP2 would lead to up scaling the production and acreage of these
crops in areas of operation. RUSDA and consortium are already working with over 560 groups with average
members of 25 members/ farmers who are already involved in the cultivation of such traditional oilseeds,
horticultural crops and this partnership would effectively use experienced field officers, the groups as entry
points for implementation in future operations with host communities aimed at increasing the acreage of
sunflower, simsim, other crops for increased income of smallholder farmers. To date Farmers in West Nile
districts are accessing quality simsim seeds and this opportunity would effectively upscale it to farmers and any
beneficiaries to be supported